Monday, March 31, 2014

                                                               Individuals in Group

          According to Coral Tarris in  the article "Individuals in Group," individuals on their own think and act differently than they do in a group. In addition, there is a reason that influence the nature of group than the nature of individuals. Psychologists, by their experiment refer to this phenomenon as "diffusion of responsibility". the more people in a group, the less chances of help. people perform some tasks better when working on their own because they feel responsible and guilty  of what will happen, with uncomfortable conscience in the future. this essay will discuss the key reasons for my opinion in greater detail.

        First, the more people in a group the lazier each individual in it becomes. In another word, each individual in a group think the same way that other individuals think. As a result, no one can act or take a decision for help. For example, two years ago, my friend Said Kanoun, 25, was on his way to class at Long Island University when he saw a woman faint at the uptown R train platform at the Atlantic Ave. Many people saw her fall but no one had helped her he said. after a while he decided to jump down onto the tracks and help the unconscious woman. In addition, he added " In my head I am  thinking that someone will help her after I realize that I have to act ". 
    Second, Individuals on their own feels guilty or responsible of what will happen if they don't act. As the experiment states, students were seated in a room, as a staged emergency occurred: students on their own went out to report, but the students were sitting in a groups did not move. Furthermore, People who are alone when an accident occurs are more likely to depend on themselves, because they imagine if there is a victim they would be responsible or guilty for what happen. 

     In conclusion, people seems to disregard their own life from laziness. Even adults and professionals are guilty of this. this is the nature of human being, for that reason there are heroes in this world. however, i think that people should think and act the same way as in a group or by there own.

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